Tuesday, September 29, 2009

All the way in Israel...

I was going to write a note about how I'm doing out here in Israel and was going to get everybody updated on some other things. I'm alive I believe that's good enough because I just watched the most disturbing film/video that I have seen in a long time.

We are all from different neighborhoods and have our own stories from things we have seen and heard about but Ican only speak on Chicago and the Chicago Public Schools. Living in the inner city of Chicago and going to a Chicago Public School is like a jungle for some kids and especially today. Everyday there is either a huge gang fight or a shootout outside of the local high schools or even in the respective neighborhoods. I'm all the way with defending yourself or whatever the case may be. BUT taking another life away... With a hit to the head with a board AFTER he was already knocked out??? DAMN!!! I respect that people wanna be labeled as goons for the 09/10 year but what if roles were reversed?? that shit wasn't cool to do to the lil buddy or anybody for that matter!! It just aint that serious...! Then to burn his memorial down?? After the harm done and the tragic loss to the family they can at least Morn in peace!! shit crazy at the crib(The Chi)!!!

There is a film that im sure you all can go to youtube and watch it or even on my page there is a link where you can see the fight but if you watch it or when you watch it look in the mirror and say what can you do to better yourself because a life can be taken away at the blink of an eye and sometimes faster. This Young Man "Derrion Albert" (I don't know Him personally) but was an honor student, had plans on going to college, and wanted to better his families situation but got caught up at the wrong place at the wrong time trying to help a friend. Mrs. Holt made a comment that he wasnt at the wrong place at the wrong time.. what Im saying by wrong place at the wrong time is that the end result was tragic. We have a right to be wherever, whenever and shouldnt be held hostage to the fools on the street. My aunt Karen and mom always say when a crowd is going to the fight, you go the opposite way. Some are adament that people should have helped, others say it was too big of a crowd to do anything. Now that all the 1800-abuse cards are passed out taking any drastic disciplinary actions from parents and these kids are running rampat not fearing the police OR their parents, the city blames the parents, the parents blame the city. When does it stop? We all have our personal opinions on this topic and the only wrong one is the one which resulted in a life loss.

In all I want to tell you all live life to the FULLEST but don't take life for granted....


Fenger, Chicago, and most of all your family will miss you!! LOVE

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