Tuesday, September 29, 2009

All the way in Israel...

I was going to write a note about how I'm doing out here in Israel and was going to get everybody updated on some other things. I'm alive I believe that's good enough because I just watched the most disturbing film/video that I have seen in a long time.

We are all from different neighborhoods and have our own stories from things we have seen and heard about but Ican only speak on Chicago and the Chicago Public Schools. Living in the inner city of Chicago and going to a Chicago Public School is like a jungle for some kids and especially today. Everyday there is either a huge gang fight or a shootout outside of the local high schools or even in the respective neighborhoods. I'm all the way with defending yourself or whatever the case may be. BUT taking another life away... With a hit to the head with a board AFTER he was already knocked out??? DAMN!!! I respect that people wanna be labeled as goons for the 09/10 year but what if roles were reversed?? that shit wasn't cool to do to the lil buddy or anybody for that matter!! It just aint that serious...! Then to burn his memorial down?? After the harm done and the tragic loss to the family they can at least Morn in peace!! shit crazy at the crib(The Chi)!!!

There is a film that im sure you all can go to youtube and watch it or even on my page there is a link where you can see the fight but if you watch it or when you watch it look in the mirror and say what can you do to better yourself because a life can be taken away at the blink of an eye and sometimes faster. This Young Man "Derrion Albert" (I don't know Him personally) but was an honor student, had plans on going to college, and wanted to better his families situation but got caught up at the wrong place at the wrong time trying to help a friend. Mrs. Holt made a comment that he wasnt at the wrong place at the wrong time.. what Im saying by wrong place at the wrong time is that the end result was tragic. We have a right to be wherever, whenever and shouldnt be held hostage to the fools on the street. My aunt Karen and mom always say when a crowd is going to the fight, you go the opposite way. Some are adament that people should have helped, others say it was too big of a crowd to do anything. Now that all the 1800-abuse cards are passed out taking any drastic disciplinary actions from parents and these kids are running rampat not fearing the police OR their parents, the city blames the parents, the parents blame the city. When does it stop? We all have our personal opinions on this topic and the only wrong one is the one which resulted in a life loss.

In all I want to tell you all live life to the FULLEST but don't take life for granted....


Fenger, Chicago, and most of all your family will miss you!! LOVE

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Israel - Continued (note 2)

GOD is the baddest man to ever walk the PLANET: He said "Im he who opens doors that no man can close...." he said "IM he who can close doors no man can open!!!" Now thats a bad man!!!!

Start off by saying the The Wyoming Cowboy football team won their first football game today!!! So im sure its go be parties all night in Laramie, Wyoming.... LOL Those were the days of the good ole college life...Its good they got this win because they got Texas next week and we all know who they got leading them.(Colt McCoy for heisman) LOL.. Thats whats up though congrats to them and Cowboy country.

But anyway im up late because im still not use to the time yet out here! its almost 1 am and im still wide awake. We got practice tomorrow at 11 so imma do what it do. The people here LOVE americans and especially American athletes so thats a good thing. I went to the mall yesterday and soilders just be chilling outside with a AK-47. LOL that was craaaazy!! i kept my distance from him even though i took a pic of him. Moms would kill me if i aint take pics out here this far from home!! But israel is cool so far, i mean its no place like home but its decent. I know my goal out here is to do one thing and one thing only but why not sight see a little bit.

Im ready for this season to start because i dont like just sitting around doing nothing. im sure i'll do alot of shopping because my bands will be up(some people know what i mean LOL) in their malls they got everything you can ask for. GUCCI, PRADA, LOUIE, TRUE RELIGION and stuff that aint in the states yet!! And I cant really wear the skinny jeans cause i dont want to show that boya LOL JP. But other than that i just be chilling and working out like i do back at home. Some of you Chicagians im sure seen me out every now and then but thats only because i was celebrating my contract signing and wont see the crib for a minute. But its all buisness right now. The more we WIN, the better i play the more...... well you all should know the rest!!! Im bout to chill though and prolly talk on skype or somthing since i cant sleep but i"ll get at yall.

Much love to everybody that show me love and if you dont show me love well...... ITS COO!!!! LOL
Hov and B
Me and MIMS>>>> hahahaha Clowing!! Boyyyyyya Stoooooop!!!!

Israel - The Beginning

What up everybody?? Imma give you all a brief note about me! I was born and raised on the West-Side of Chicago with just my sister Brittny and my mother until about 7th grade moving out to the South-Side so i guess you can say i have the best of both worlds in me. Later on in life my mother got re-married and out came my lil sister Kianna which now makes 3 of us(from my mother). From my father it is around 11 of us total (i tend to lose count and just throw out a number)LOL. But anyway i attended Percy L. Julian highschool. Also known as the Jungle now days. I met alot of friends and associates there at Julian and also my favorite girl besides my mother miss Miriam "MiMi" Cooper. MiMi and I been together since i was junior in H.S and we've had our ups and downs (when i say down i mean down) but at the end of the day she is WHATS UP!!

I attended college at the University of Wyoming which was definetly a foreign place to me coming from busy Chicago. Wyoming will always be a second home to me because i had so many great moments there and will never forget the 4 years i spent there. I had many teammates from Justin Willaims to Brad Jones to Tyson Johnson to Ryan Dermody to Afam Muojeke and Aj Davis. The list obviously goes on. I will remember the nights in the Parlor/Buckhorn and also checking out the different sporting events. The football team has the Texas Longhorns coming up in a week or so, I wish i could be at the game but i'll find away to tune in. I wish them ALOT of luck with that one! LOL

Today was my first day in Israel and that flight was crazy long! i been overseas before back in highschool for about 2 weeks but i never thought i'll be over here for 8 to 9months..... hahaha MIMI gotta hurry up and get over here ASAP....I got off the plane and it was news cameras EVERYWHERE and they already knew my name which was crazy but hay i'll take it. I was on the flight with Jeremy Tyler. For those that dont know him he is the highschool kid who dropped out to come overseas. Me and him will be in the same league. Jeremy Pargo is also over here. But my team is pretty young and i think im like the 4th oldest. haha imma rookie but also a veteran at the same time. We are just working out now until we go to a tournament next month. I heard we just play 30 or so games so thats not too bad at all. its just like another school. Just without a Phone for a few days so DONT text me cause its 50 cent a text. lol it dont sound like much but for those who know me know i text all the time so that adds up!

But anyway shout out to my whole fam from Aunties to Uncles, Cousins to 2nd Cousins, Sisters and Brothers and i cant forget my Grandparents..... All the homies and true True friends u kno who you r! Thru Thick and Thin only ONE person kno what that mean! holla back when im bored
!! LOL as you see NOT worried about a Soujah Boy! Hov Tell Em....! hahaha